"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:24
Next Step Devotion

What is it about the New Year that seems to spark such fresh motivation and vitality? Maybe it's the rush of cold air that finally sweeps in with the month of January. Perhaps, it's that we have closed the door on a year we feel has been unsuccessful or that was inundated by unsuspected trials and pain. It could even be that we simply "jump on the band wagon" of New Year's resolutions along with the media and much of our nation's population. It certainly is much easier to set goals and begin new objectives when others are making the same commitments.
Several passages in scripture point us to this principle of new beginnings. It is healthy to take intentional time and effort to refocus our goals and refresh our strength. We are also called to support and "spur one another along" in both our individual and corporate journeys. However, the pitfall that many of us can quickly fall into is setting goals and making resolutions that are guided more by our desire to "keep up with the Joneses'" than in response to God's Word and desires for our life.
On New Day Cafe this week we sought to encourage you to refresh and refocus for 2013, but to do so in a way that will re-align your life with that of Jesus Christ. What adjustments need to be made in your life that will cut ties with the world and refocus your eyes on the mission and purpose of the gospel message? What commitments can be made that will reorganize your priorities to spending time in God's Word, in prayer, and in living a life of love and service towards others? While you may not think about it at first, every area of your life (finances, health, friendships, habits) are important to God and purposed to be used for His glory.
So, let's take the next step in 2013. Let's evaluate a few areas of our lives where some refreshing and refocusing might be needed:
Was spending quality, God-centered time as a family a priority in your life last year? Maybe you started out with good intentions, kick-starting a new family devotion only to have the kids bickering over who got to read that week and then leaving the entire room exasperated with one another! (this happened all too often in my family growing up!). This week we encouraged you not to give up, and we equipped you with some new tools and techniques to make this a priority once again.
On Monday we spoke with Marty Machowski, who has recently released a new family devotion book titled Old Story New - Ten Minute Devotionals to Draw your Family to God. In addition to this devotion, Marty also has an entire family bible study curriculum called Gospel Story for Kids. By keeping the devotions to only 10 minutes, five days a week, it only will take a few minutes out of your family routine to re-introduce the discipline of Bible study. Marty's devotions also include kid-friendly illustrations and terminology, keeping children engaged in a way unlike many devotion books.
If you are wondering where you can gather these ten minutes a day, try setting the book on the dinner table and reading together as everyone is finishing their meal. Maybe you could make a fun day of it, taking a lunch picnic to the park and reading one or two devotions. If practices, sickness, or other unexpected distractions arise, DON'T GIVE UP! It's ok to miss a few days. Just pick it up the next day and pick questions you feel will best engage your children in conversation and move along to the next day. If your child complains, remind them of the importance of knowing God and His word. More than anything, pray for your children and that your family would seek God together through the Holy Spirit.
Perhaps the most resolutions or commitments made on January 1st are related to our physical health. Everyone wants to lose those Christmas pounds and feel better about themselves. The problem is that much of our motivation arises from comparing ourselves with our culture's standards of beauty rather than from a genuine desire to treat our bodies as the temple of the Lord. We often begin strong on our new diets or exercise regimens, only to fall off a slippery slope into busyness and discouragement, saying we will try again closer to summer time.
Danna Demetre shared this week about her book Change Your Habits, Change Your Life, encouraging us in setting realistic and healthy goals in a way guided by our devotion to God. Danna shared that in order for you to truly achieve your health aspirations, you must be "transformed by the renewing of you mind." This means you must change not only your dinner plate, but your thoughts, attitudes and lifestyle. Here are some tips from Danna:
1. Change your Thinking - Discover your lies (I'm ugly, I'll never achieve my goals, I'm just not as good as ____) and replace them with truth! You can do all things through Christ!
2. Change your Attitudes - It does not have to be Jan 1 to make wiser choices. You can choose at any moment of any day to eat better, take a walk, or start anew.
3. Change your Energy - Eat more often, smaller in portion. De-stress your life and get plenty of sleep! Don't expect to run 5 miles your first workout, but rather start slow with simply walking for 20-30 minutes.
4. Change your Lifestyle - Diet the way you will maintain. It is unrealistic to believe you will never eat a piece of chocolate again, so don't cut that out while dieting either? Make small but powerful adjustments that you can keep down the road.
There has been much uncertainty and insecurity in our nation regarding the economy throughout 2012. While we may have dodged the "fiscal cliff," there are still many questions left unanswered. Perhaps more than ever before we must take intentional steps towards being free from debt, saving for our future, while simultaneously increasing our giving towards those in need.
Adjusting our finances can be an overwhelming task, but our interview with Crystal Payne, also known as The Money Saving Mom, shed some clear light on practical steps for getting the entire family involved in the stewardship of our resources. Here are a few tips:
1. Focus on Eliminating Debt - There is not enough room here to navigating the methods for reducing your debt, but some excellent resources include Dave Ramsey and Crystal's great articles on reducing debt with purpose
2. Begin a Cash Budget - It is so easy to over-spend your income when swiping a credit or debit card. By setting aside actual cash in envelopes for different areas of your budget, you find freedom in knowing exactly how much you have to spend and when it is up. For more encouragement in setting up cash budgets, visit Crystal's articles on We Paid Cash
3. Set Goals that are Measurable - You will not stick to a goal if there is no way to see if you are making progress. Be specific in the amount of money you wish to save per month, the percent of income you wish to give to ministries, or the number of books you wish to read. If you just say "I want to save money in 2013!" you could technically meet your goal by saving $0.25 :)
4. Include the Family - Be creative in including your children. One great idea is to split the profit made by cutting back on electricity. Your kids will soon be rushing through the house to cut off lights! You could also let your children choose a ministry they would like to donate to, and use that as the motivation to put back those cookies in the grocery aisle.
While there are many other areas of our lives that we need to refresh and refocus for 2013, more than anything we pray that you are encouraged to seek the Lord for His will and purposes for your life. Spend time in prayer and in Bible reading and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you areas in need of adjustment as well as areas of victory He wished for you to continue. New Day Cafe is here to help you take the next step in your walk with Jesus Christ, so let's take the next step together in 2013!
Interview Recap
- Marty Machowski - Old Story New Family Devotion
- Tina Mabry - Healthy New Year
- Don Hawkins - Battling Burnout - BOOK, SERMON
- Crystal Payne - Money Saving Mom
- Danna Demetre - Change Your Habits, Change Your Life
Key Scriptures
Joshua 24:15 - But is serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourself this day whom you will serve, whether the Gods your forefathers beyond the rivers served, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.
Hebrews 10:24 - And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
1 Corinthians 16:19-20 - Or do you not know that you body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore, glorify God with your body.
1 Timothy 4:7-8 - But have nothing to do with worldly fables fit only for old women. On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promises for the present life and also for the life to come.
Proverbs 27:23 - Know well the face of your flocks; and pay attention to your herds.
Luke 6:28 - Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will measured to you in return.
Many Blessings, and Happy New Year!
Melissa Rogers
Moody Radio South
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